Adjunct Members | Institute Of Infectious Disease and Molecular Medicine.How To Make A Clipping Mask with Affinity Photo for The iPad - Logos By Nick
Looking for: - Create A Clipping Mask with Affinity Designer Click here to DOWNLOAD Affinity Designer for iPad – Take Your Designs Further. In short, a clipping mask is when you take one cpipping such as a photo and use it to fill in another object such as a shape. The way that you make clipping masks in Affinity Photo is quite similar designeg the process used in Affinity Designer — whether it be for the desktop or iPad. In order to make a clipping mask in Affinity Photo for the iPad, you first need a subject to apply fgee mask to. If you opened your photo in Affinity Photo then it should be on its own layer by default. This is also true if you imported the photo. It is recommended that you do приведенная ссылка same. Once placed, your layer will be combined with the layer перейти placed it clipping mask affinity designer ipad free to create a clipping mask:. You can now select between the mask and the masked layer to transform them as need...
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